虫控药械 > 灭蟑药物
       《贝特金》灭蟑专用胶饵的主要成份为:硼酸(Boric Acid)…15% w/w。经国家权威部门
        认证:LD 50>5000mg/kg,国际标准界定为微毒,在任何地方使用安全。
       《贝特金》灭蟑专用胶饵的突出特点是:诱力极强——可引诱任何种类的蟑螂,尤其是德国小蠊上勾,舔食胶饵4~5小时后进入脱水状态,寻找水源过量饮水而亡;在无水源处 (如办公室内),蟑螂会逐渐脱水致死。
        采用《贝特金》灭蟑专用胶饵消灭蟑螂,不污染环境、食物,不产生任何有害人类健康的物质,无需在施工前做任何准备工作,施工后也无需做任何善后清理。干净、轻松、彻底地歼 灭令人厌恶、传播病毒细菌的蟑螂!
 The environmental formula of BaitKing comes from Japan. The active ingredient of BaitKing is boric acid which is chemical material not poison. The national laboratory test’s result is LD 50>5,000mg/kg. It proved very safe.
When BaitKing is placed, all the existing cockroaches, any species, will be lured to eat and die elsewhere invisible because of dehydration, probably inside the drainage and sewage systems where water exists.This stage usually lasts for about 4~7 days. After that, their offspring emerges continuously and will be lured and die in the same manner before further reproduction. Since BaitKing is effective continuously, once applied, it helps to keep the protected area free of cockroaches for a relatively long period.
BaitKing Roach Killer Bait Gel is applicable to: households, hotels, restaurants, hospitals, supermarkets, shopping arcades, warehouses, transportation vehicles or any venue that is pesticides offending.
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